Friday 12 December 2014

Second Draft Of My Contents Page

From the last time I worked on my contents page I have changed quite a lot. I have changed the colour of the background to the same as my cover page. I kept the colour of the writing to yellow but changed the font, made it into a wave and also added an oval shape behind it in a red colour. I've also added boxes in also a red colour and added my page numbers and what will be on those pages. I now have images to add.

Monday 8 December 2014

First Draft Of My Contents Page

This is the first draft of my magazine contents. I've stuck with my three colour scheme and put the header in yellow and the background in a pink colour. Obviously I still have a lot more work to do on it but this is my start.

Sixth Draft Of My Magazine.

Since the last time I worked on my magazine I have changed quite a bit to it. I've changed the colour of the writing of my cover lines from purple to white. I have changed the colour of the writing of 'WIN ALIEN PERFUME' from purple to yellow. I've also added an oval shape behind my headline and put that as a yellow colour.

Friday 5 December 2014

The Fifth Draft Of My Magazine

From the last time I worked on my magazine I have added a purple coloured background to my magazine. I've also changed the orange coloured strip to a red colour instead as I think the colour goes better with my other colours than the orange. I've also changed the month of my magazine as it is going to include christmas themed things in it.

Production Risk Assessment

This is my Production Risk Assessment. As you can see there are no hazards for when I'm taking pictures of my model etc.

Plan For The Weekend

What to get done this weekend:

1. Take photos of Alien perfume, Christmas jumpers etc.
2. Finish double page spread story.
3. Get model release forms signed.

Social Feedback

As you can see, everyone agreed to POP Life being a good name for my pop magazine.

Monday 1 December 2014

Fourth Draft Of My Magazine.

From the last time I worked on my magazine I took out the pink boxes that were on the orange strip at the bottom and added an image of a christmas jumper. I still have more images to add on the orange strip.

Research and Planning: Double Page Drafts.

On my double page spread, on the left i'm going to have a full close up image of my model with no other images on it. Just a bit of the background in it.