Tuesday 24 March 2015

Fourteenth Draft Of My Magazine

From the last time I worked on my magazine I have started to play around with fonts to see which ones go best with my genre. As you can see I've experimented with different fonts for the cover line for the model.

Fourth Draft Of My Double Page Story

I've started to change my double page story around with the colours and now adding images and building the double page up.

Thirteenth Draft Of My Magazine

Here I have started to experiment with different fonts for my magazine and make it a different range of styles.

Twelfth Draft Of My Maagzine.

I've now stated to add my text back on to my magazine to position it where it needs to go. I've also changed the position of 'Win flower bomb perfume' To the top and taken the oval shape out of it. The Seventeen magazine is still there to help me as it is my inspiration.

Eleventh Draft Of My Magazine.

I've now stated to put a white outline on my title to make it stand out more. I also think the white goes well with the pink and purple.

Tenth Draft Of My Magazine.

I've started to experiment with colours here for my title. Thinking of appropriate colours for a pop magazine. Starting with pink, which I think also goes good with the purple background.

Ninth Draft Of My Magazine

Here I've started to change the background colour even more to a shade of two purples. I've also started to make a new title. I've also taken out all my texts so it's easier for me to work with and get my colours right.

Bar Slip Change

I've changed the bar slip to a lighter purple but a different shade to my background. I also made some of the images straighter instead of turned, getting my inspiration of the seventeen magazine.

Eighth Draft Of My Magazine

I decided that I didn't want my magazine to look the way it looked. The colours were too bright and girls are more into light colours than dark. I just weren't very happy with the way it looked and thought I could improve it so I've started to change the colours to lighter colours and moved the positioning of the bar strip to the top instead. My inspiration for my magazine is coming from the seventeen magazine that you can see on my magazine.

Monday 2 March 2015

Second Draft Of My Double Page Spread

I've not done that much more from the last time I worked on my double page spread. I've wrote two more questions and answers but I'm expecting to get a lot more done in the next lesson.

Social Media Feeback

I put my magazine up on to twitter to get feedback on it. I got some good feedback on it.