Friday 10 April 2015

My Final Magazine.

Contents Progression

Here again I've put a drop shadow on my extra image I have added in.

Contents Progression

I've started to add more images to my contents page so it looks more fuller and there's not a lot of empty spaces.

Contents Progression

Here I am still experimenting with different colours for the titles of my pages. Here I am also making my main title for what is included in my magazine, stand out with again doing a drop shadow. I've seen that this feature is very useful for making things stand out.

Contents Progression

I've started to experiment with different colours on the titles of each page number so they stand out.

Contents Progression

This shows me using the spacing of the page so it doesn't look cramped. I've spaced out the writing so it's a lot easier to read.

Contents Progression

This shows the drop shadow being used on the images I've used and how you can see it makes the images stand out.

Contents Progression

This shows me using my tools and using a drop shadow on my contents page. This makes the pictures on my contents page stand out.

Contents Progression

As well as my front cover, I didn't like my contents page and decided to change the colours of that also. I've started to put different background colours in to, in a girly pink cover that matches my front cover along with the font being purple that also matches my front cover.