Friday 28 November 2014

The Third Draft Of My Magazine

From the last time I was working on my magazine I have added another cover line, a contest for my readers. I need to add a picture of my own of the perfume 'Alien' to go along with it. I've also added a bar strip in the colour orange. I've added boxes were images of clothes and make-up, etc of my own will go. I've also added the barcode too.

Monday 24 November 2014

Research and Planning: Plan For The Week.

1. More research\
2.Do more of my magazine.
3. Get form signed
4. Try and take pictures of my model. If not through the week, then definitely get it done by the weekend.

Second Draft Of My Magazine.

From the last time I was working on my magazine I have changed my fonts and places of my fonts around. From looking at pop magazines I have realised nearly all pop magazines have different fonts for each cover line so I've taken that into consideration and decided to do the same as changing the font must catch the attention of the reader. I also thinks it looks better and gives it a better range.

Research and Planning: Researching clothes.

I've been looking at girly clothes to see what kind of clothes my model should wear for my magazine and the appropriate clothes for my magazine genre and audience. I see there is a mix style of clothing, but I think all of them would be suitable for my model and front cover of my magazine. I think I prefer the clothing's on the second and third pictures. The look of jeans and a top with girly accesories I think would be a great look for my model and magazine. The shoes won't matter as the picture is going to be a close up so you won't see the shoes.

Research and Planning: Pop magazines

I've been researching different pop magazines to help me get the best look for my magazine and what people mostly look for in a pop magazine. I know what these magazines use, work, because I know these are popular magazines. The colours are similar to the ones I will be using. This also gives me a better idea of the clothes my model should wear and what props they should use. Also what kind of facial expressions they should do appropriate for the magazine genre.

Research and Planning:Redrawn Drafts

From the drafts I previously drew before my questionnaire, still stand the same now. All the colours, name of my magazine and cover lines fit in with what people answered with and agree with me so there is no reason for me to redraw drafts that will look the exact same as my first ones.

Monday 17 November 2014

Research and Planning: Sans serif v serif.

I know that for my story for my magazine I have to use serif font as its easier to read. The rest of it can be whatever font i.e. the title and tag line etc.

Friday 14 November 2014

Research and Planning: My Double Page Spread

I'm going to put on my double page spread facts about the model.
A mini interview on her life since becoming big in the industry.
Also her fashion tips and healthy lifestyle.

'My life since becoming big has been insane but it's been the best months of my life'

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Language

You can see from the different page spreads that the miss-en-scene is completely different. The colours, are different and suited to the genre of the magazine. The artists have a different look. The RnB magazine is more serious with less pictures whereas the pop magazine seems a lot more cheerier and has a lot more pictures. The quote on the pop magazine is 'I'd dress like Lady Gaga!' mentioning another pop artist. Whereas the RnB magazine has a tag line saying ' HOW HIGH?' using appropriate words for the age of the audience of this magazine, being a lot older than the pop magazine. It also being in capitals, making it stand out as it relates to the image on the left hand side of Wiz Khalifa smoking, 'getting high'. The pop magazine has the colours, pink and white relating more to teenage girls whereas the RnB magazine has orange and black relating more to older boys. The image of Leona Lewis is more cheery and happy, smiling whereas Wiz Khalifa has a more serious look on his face.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Initial Ideas

I could potentially use on my double page spread:

.Interview on new music, tours, their life etc.
.Top ten listing
.Factual information about the artist.

Monday 10 November 2014

Research and Planning: DSLR Test Shots

No flash.

No Flash
No Flash

No Flash


No Flash
No Flash

No Flash


I think that the pictures look better when they are close up with no flash. Close up shows detail more and makes the picture look clearer whereas the flash makes it look too bright and certain things a different shade of colour, also long shot you can't see as much detail on the face.

Research and Planning: Publication Plan

Name: POP Life

Price: £2.50

Positioning Statement: See what you've been missing in the pop world.

Distribution: Supermarkets and corner shops.

Frequency of Publication: Every week.

Rationale: To give people information they want. What's happening in the pop world.

Style/Layout/Colour: The colours will be girly colours like pink and purple as my main audience is teenage girls. The lay out will be quite sophisticated as it's a published magazine.

Regular Content: My regular content will be gossip on pop artists. Fashion tips, tour dates, music singles being released. Pop artists life styles. Pictures. Posters.

Featured Content: There will be interviews with pop artists on their latest news in their life.

Research and Planning: Plan for the Week

The week I am going to:

1. Publication plan.
2. Model consent form signed.
3. Model test shots.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Research and Planning: Extra Work

The artists I would associate with the pop genre are Jessie J, Olly Murs and The Vamps as they are all pop artists.

The model has to look very happy and cheesy like pop music is. It has to attract the audience and not be serious as it wouldn't go with the pop genre of my magazine.

The background would be blank, normally white or pink. Clothes and make-up would be feminine. Make-up would normally stand out. Quite girly colours. The facial expressions and body language would be happy and cheesy so it gives of a friendly vibe.

The costumes my models need to have is very colourful clothes. Clothes young teenagers can relate to and would love. Nothing inappropriate for the age of my magazine. 13-16.