Friday 14 November 2014

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Language

You can see from the different page spreads that the miss-en-scene is completely different. The colours, are different and suited to the genre of the magazine. The artists have a different look. The RnB magazine is more serious with less pictures whereas the pop magazine seems a lot more cheerier and has a lot more pictures. The quote on the pop magazine is 'I'd dress like Lady Gaga!' mentioning another pop artist. Whereas the RnB magazine has a tag line saying ' HOW HIGH?' using appropriate words for the age of the audience of this magazine, being a lot older than the pop magazine. It also being in capitals, making it stand out as it relates to the image on the left hand side of Wiz Khalifa smoking, 'getting high'. The pop magazine has the colours, pink and white relating more to teenage girls whereas the RnB magazine has orange and black relating more to older boys. The image of Leona Lewis is more cheery and happy, smiling whereas Wiz Khalifa has a more serious look on his face.

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