Friday 8 May 2015

Evaluation Question 4

Here I have drawn what I see as my target audience. This is the stereotypical look of the person who would buy my magazine.

Her name is Lucy. She is 14 years old and is still at school (high school). Her favourite hobbies are dancing and singing. And she loves make-up and would love to know new make-up tips and what good make-up to buy. Lucy is at that age of where she needs to learn life tips, like make-up, relationships etc. She likes to wear fashionable clothes and has great style. She is into pop music and likes to sing songs by artists like Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and One Direction and dance to artists like that too. Her main goal in life is to become a singer so reading about the model used in my magazine who is a singer is perfect for her. All these combined Lucy is the perfect person to be reading magazines like mine.

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