Friday 8 May 2015

Evaluation Question 6

I used a lot of different technology products and software throughout the production of my magazine. They all helped me a lot with my magazine. Some I had used before and learnt more things on it. Some things I had never used before and throughout my production I learnt a lot of skills and improved  largely.
Above is a Canon DSLR Camera. I had used one of these before so knew some of the features to use but there were many different ones on there and I hadn't used most of them so learnt how to use them a long the way. The camera helped me a lot with my model shots and the features helped me to get a perfect shot for my magazine. 

Here i have shown how to use photoshop. How to add text and brighten up an image. I have also show how to use blogger on IShowU.  I have shown how to compose text and insert an embedded code. 

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