Friday 24 October 2014

Research and Planning: Costume and Props Research

I've researched pop magazines with female pop artists on the front to see what they are wearing and what props the use if they are using any. This will help me to see what appeals to people buying magazines and help me make decisions on what my female model should wear. I've discovered a different range of clothing but they all see to be wearing jewelery and fashionable and sophisticated clothing to appeal to a teenage audience. They are very fashionable which will also appeal to teenagers.

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis


The contents page presents lots of images teenagers would be interested in i.e. pop bands and pop artists. They all have interesting captions to go with them to tell you what the article on them is about. This will catch the readers attention and make them want to read more so will make them want to buy the magazine.


The contents page is lay out so it's easy to read. It has there columns, the stories and the page numbers so it's easy to navigate to where you want to go to read. The three colour rule applies. There is a lot of images to attract the readers attention and to attract them to buy the magazine because they may see an artist they are interested in reading about.

Genre: The Genre is clearly Pop as it says 'We Love Pop' in the corner. The colours associate with this genre and the stories and artists also do to.

Audience: The audience I think is clearly teenage girls aged 13-16. The artists used and stories I think relate more to that age group and gender.

Research and Planning:Equipment and Software List

1. iMac computer

2. Canon Camera 1100D

3. InDesign Software

4. Photoshop Software

The computer will obviously be to do all my work on and put my magazine together.

The camera is to take pictures of my model.

InDesign is to make my magazine and put it together.

Photoshop will be to work on my model on there.

Research and Planning: Costume and Props List

1. Pink vest top

2. Flower necklace

3. Flower Earrings

4. Light make-up

I've chosen to use these for my model for the front cover because it is suitable for teenage girls and expresses the pop genre. Also it's what I have also witnessed on the front cover models of pop magazines. This will also attract them to the magazine as they would relate to the clothes as they will be stuff they most likely wear.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Analysis


This is a double page spread on the artist Cher Lloyd. This artist would attract mostly female teenagers. The picture of Cher Lloyd shows someone who is having fun, showing a shocked and funny pose showing her personality off because if you knew what Cher Lloyd was like you would understand it is exactly like her. If you don't know Cher Lloyd then this can gi off what type of person she is.

The Title of the article is a main, key quote from the interview that Cher Lloyd has taken part of in this magazine. There is two images included, the picture of Cher Lloyd I was talking about before, taking up the whole right page then another one of Cher on the left, smaller so the text of the interview can fit around it. The magazine has followed the three colour rule; pink, white and black. The magazine is informal because of it being an interview and the title being a quote from the interview. The writing is just the right size and the column are a good size as well and not too cramped so you can read the writing properly.


The article is an interview from Cher Lloyd talking about her childhood and her life. I think the interview would ask questions that would be interesting to the audience than ones that would interest the audience therefore them not wanting to buy it.


The audience for the magazine looks like it would be for teenage girls aged 13-16. I think they would be the most interested in this type of magazine and articles.

Seeing everything I have on this double page spread, I will take everything in to account to make me my magazine the best It can be.


Research and Planning: Questionnaire Results

As you can see most people I questioned thought the magazine should cost £2.00
As you can see most people I questioned thought a female should be on my front cover of my magazine.
As you can see most people I questioned thought I should have 4 cover lines on the front cover of my magazine.
 As you can see all people I questioned thought that PopLIFE was a good name for my magazine.
As you can see most people I questioned thought bright colours should be worn on the front cover of my pop magazine.
As you can see most people I questioned thought a mid-shot should be of my model on my front cover.

As you can see most people I questioned buy magazines monthly.
As you can see most people would use pink, purple and white for my magazine.

Friday 17 October 2014

Research and Planning: Target Audience PowerPoint Presentation

Research and Planning: Audience interview videos

I interviewed people to see what they would think would be suitable for my pop magazine. They all liked the name POP Life for my magazine and thought it was suitable. They all thought that girly colours like, pink, purple would be suitable for my magazine then other colours I will use that they mentioned and other colours I won't. They said that the magazine price should be either £1.99 or £2.50.
Most of them thought of having a male on the front but I agree with Sarah in having a female on the front cover of my magazine. They all said 4 or 5 cover lines on my front cover so thats how many I will put.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Research And Planning: Questionnaire

1. What 3 colours would you use for a pop magazine?

2. How many times do you buy magazines?

. Daily
. Weekly
. Monthly
. Never

3. How much would you pay for a pop magazine?

4. Should a male, female or band be on the front cover of my pop magazine?

5. What cover line/stories should be on my pop magazine and how many?

6. Do you think PopLIFE is a good name for a pop magazine?

7. What type of clothes should be worn on the front cover of a pop magazine?

8. What type of shot should it be of my model on the front cover?

Monday 13 October 2014

Research And Planning:Music Magazine Drafts

These are my music magazine drafts. There isn't much to them as a lot will be done when I actually do my magazine. You can see were I will put images and writing and what cover lines will be used. Also what colours I will be using for my pop magazine.

Monday 6 October 2014

Research and Planning: Mastheads

Here are some font ideas for my mast head. I've chosen these ones because I think they represent the genre of music I am using i. e pop.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Research and Planning:Camera Shots

Here are my drawn camera shots. We we told each camera shot in lesson and then was told to draw each one on these sheets. I now know what each camera shot is and how it is used and what it is used for.