Friday 24 October 2014

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Analysis


This is a double page spread on the artist Cher Lloyd. This artist would attract mostly female teenagers. The picture of Cher Lloyd shows someone who is having fun, showing a shocked and funny pose showing her personality off because if you knew what Cher Lloyd was like you would understand it is exactly like her. If you don't know Cher Lloyd then this can gi off what type of person she is.

The Title of the article is a main, key quote from the interview that Cher Lloyd has taken part of in this magazine. There is two images included, the picture of Cher Lloyd I was talking about before, taking up the whole right page then another one of Cher on the left, smaller so the text of the interview can fit around it. The magazine has followed the three colour rule; pink, white and black. The magazine is informal because of it being an interview and the title being a quote from the interview. The writing is just the right size and the column are a good size as well and not too cramped so you can read the writing properly.


The article is an interview from Cher Lloyd talking about her childhood and her life. I think the interview would ask questions that would be interesting to the audience than ones that would interest the audience therefore them not wanting to buy it.


The audience for the magazine looks like it would be for teenage girls aged 13-16. I think they would be the most interested in this type of magazine and articles.

Seeing everything I have on this double page spread, I will take everything in to account to make me my magazine the best It can be.


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