Friday 24 October 2014

Research and Planning: Contents Page Analysis


The contents page presents lots of images teenagers would be interested in i.e. pop bands and pop artists. They all have interesting captions to go with them to tell you what the article on them is about. This will catch the readers attention and make them want to read more so will make them want to buy the magazine.


The contents page is lay out so it's easy to read. It has there columns, the stories and the page numbers so it's easy to navigate to where you want to go to read. The three colour rule applies. There is a lot of images to attract the readers attention and to attract them to buy the magazine because they may see an artist they are interested in reading about.

Genre: The Genre is clearly Pop as it says 'We Love Pop' in the corner. The colours associate with this genre and the stories and artists also do to.

Audience: The audience I think is clearly teenage girls aged 13-16. The artists used and stories I think relate more to that age group and gender.

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