Monday 29 September 2014

Research And Planning: Music Genre Collages

This my collage of pop artists. These are the type of people you would see on a pop magazine. They appeal to young fans of pop music as they make this music. I have researched the most popular pop music artists and found that these artists in which I have used on my collage, are in fact the most popular. 

 These are my colour ideas for my magazine. The pinks and the purples would attract the younger generation of girls who I think like pop music the most and more than boys. The darker colours are to make sure that words stand out.

I've decided to call my magazine POP Life! I've put it slanted to make it stand out and put the word 'pop' in capitals, it being the main genre of the magazine. I've decided to make it a pink colour to attract the younger girls as i think this colour associates more with them.

Research and Planning: Photos for college magazine.

Here are my shots for my college magazine. There is only one as I had to delete the others as the memory was running out on the camera. I made sure to get the model in a good place with the sun shining on her to get a good quality but not in a too bad angle for the sun to be too much on the model. I also got her on the school steps to the main entrance to get a good mid shot.

Monday 22 September 2014

Research and Planning: Pop Magazines Analysis

You can tell this is a pop magazine straight away from the name of the magazine 'We Love Pop'. All over the magazine there is pop artists e.g. Olly Murs, Connor Maynard, Nathan Sykes, One Direction etc. The cover lines are all stories on pop artists. The colours are pink which I think associate with girls and make them attracted to the magazine as I think girls like pop music more than boys. The font is slanted and stands out, showing that pop is some of the most popular music nowadays. Also the boldness of it makes it informal. The image on the front of Olly Murs is all cheesy, like pop music. If it was a rock magazine the colours, writing and images would be completely different.

You can tell this is a pop magazine also from the name of the magazine 'top of the pops' The colours are pink and purple also attracting girls who I think are in to pop music more than boys. The pictures are mostly all pop artists or about stories associated with teenagers interests. The cover storylines are about the pop artists included on the front cover. This is to get people to buy the magazine. Most of the writing is very straight forward and simple, but big to make it easier to read. Cheryl Cole, on the front cover, is all smiley like pop music makes you feel. If it was a rock magazine it would be more serious and all different colours and font.

Research And Planning: Evaluation Of My College Magazine.

Firstly, my font sizes are correct for my magazine. The mast head is big so it stands out and the cover line headers are also big and stand out to catch the eye of the audience. It includes the three colour rule, white, yellow and purple. I don't think you can tell that the contents page and cover are from the same magazine as the colours don't really go together and the contents has no images on it. I think the contents needs improving, adding images and having a colour change. Yes the photographs are well taken. You can clearly see the model and the background of it. They are appropriate as it is a female student holding books. Yes I think there are enough stories on the cover, I have included 3 cover lines with stories that are appropriate. The stories are on what students think of the school. Also the school sports and achievements. The contents page includes the stories and what page numbers they are. I think I maybe could of included one more story but I think 3 is still just the right amount. The contents page has the stories numbered and named clearly and there is an added page about welcoming them to the magazine and to Hyde Clarendon.

Friday 19 September 2014

Research and Planning: Official Magazine Cover and Contents

This is my final cover and contents page for my College Magazine. My Cover was made by using photoshop and the skills I've learnt over the weeks on there. My Contents Page was made by using indesign and the skills I've learnt over the weeks on there also.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Research and Planning: First Magazine Draft

This is my first draft of my college magazine. I've taken a picture of my model and put it has the whole front cover of my magazine. I've done the mast head and one of the cover lines. There is some bits I still need to sort out like the lighting and colours and obviously finish it all off with more cover lines and a barcode etc.

Monday 15 September 2014

Research and Planning:Magazine Drafts, Cover and Contents

 Here are my drafts for my college magazine. I didn't have any colours at home so couldn't include any but I labeled the colours each writing would be. Also I'm not the best drawer so I just labeled were the image would go and what it includes. The contents is going to be a mock up so I didn't include any writing in it. This will help me remember my ideas for my magazine and what will look best and fit right on my magazine.

Research and Planning: Costume and props list

Research and Planning: Mastheads

I chose this font and colour because I think it represents death metal because the writing is very gothic and mysterious which is associated with death metal music.

 I chose this font and colour because i think it represents pop music because its bubbly like pop music and the colour pink is mostly associated with girls and girls I think mostly listen to pop music and are associated with it more.
I chose this font and colour because I wanted to do a yellowy colour like popcorn but make it stand out more so made it darker. I chose the font because it stands out like films should do.

Friday 12 September 2014

Research And Planning: Audience Interview Videos

I interviewed 3 people to see what they would be interested in for a college magazine to help me with mine and to make it attractive enough to catch the eye of people so they would be interested in reading it. All 3 students said to include the colour yellow in my magazine so i will incorporate that in my magazine. Two of them said it should be short and snappy but I personally agree with the other one on it summing up Hyde Clarendon and I think I can do that better with a longer title. One said to incorporate sports on the cover lines and also what other students think about the college so will incorporate it in my magazine. They all said use a female model for the front cover so I will have a female for the front image. Also two of them said they should be holding school books to show that the magazine is associated with education so I will make sure my model is holding school books.

Research and Planning: Magazine Draft


See what you’ve been missing.

Thanks to here!                                                                  Hyde is the one.      

Sarah tells all on Hyde                                                        Lucy tells all

helping her with her job                                                    on why Hyde

success.                                                                               Clarendon is the best.                                        

Research and Planning: Interview Questions For Target Audience

1. First thing you look for on a magazine?

2. What cover lines/stories do you want to read in a college magazine?

3. What 3 colours would you use for Hyde Clarendon magazine?

4. What type of picture do you want on the College magazine?

5.Any ideas on what the College magazine should be called?

Research and Planning: College Magazine Analysis 1

You can tell what audience it is for because it tells you. Also it gives you hints like ‘work experience’ and ‘an education while educating’. I will have to do the same by making sure I make it clear who it is targeted to and make it clear what I’m talking about, also using a suitable picture for the front cover.

The types of stories I will put in my magazine are achievements in and out of College.  Also news of important events. Reminders for students. And any other important messages or information that will come in handy for the students.


Called- Hyde Clarendon Weekly News.  Put on the front and insight on what the magazine includes. Fancy font. Big and bold. Stand out.