Monday 29 September 2014

Research And Planning: Music Genre Collages

This my collage of pop artists. These are the type of people you would see on a pop magazine. They appeal to young fans of pop music as they make this music. I have researched the most popular pop music artists and found that these artists in which I have used on my collage, are in fact the most popular. 

 These are my colour ideas for my magazine. The pinks and the purples would attract the younger generation of girls who I think like pop music the most and more than boys. The darker colours are to make sure that words stand out.

I've decided to call my magazine POP Life! I've put it slanted to make it stand out and put the word 'pop' in capitals, it being the main genre of the magazine. I've decided to make it a pink colour to attract the younger girls as i think this colour associates more with them.

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