Monday 22 September 2014

Research And Planning: Evaluation Of My College Magazine.

Firstly, my font sizes are correct for my magazine. The mast head is big so it stands out and the cover line headers are also big and stand out to catch the eye of the audience. It includes the three colour rule, white, yellow and purple. I don't think you can tell that the contents page and cover are from the same magazine as the colours don't really go together and the contents has no images on it. I think the contents needs improving, adding images and having a colour change. Yes the photographs are well taken. You can clearly see the model and the background of it. They are appropriate as it is a female student holding books. Yes I think there are enough stories on the cover, I have included 3 cover lines with stories that are appropriate. The stories are on what students think of the school. Also the school sports and achievements. The contents page includes the stories and what page numbers they are. I think I maybe could of included one more story but I think 3 is still just the right amount. The contents page has the stories numbered and named clearly and there is an added page about welcoming them to the magazine and to Hyde Clarendon.

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